JKR, a subsidiary of Parimatch, embarked on a strategic relocation to a new floor, building on the success of Parimatch’s Tech Office on the 12th floor of Business Center Summit. The main goal was to address new needs, including a spacious reception and bar area. Understanding the client's preference for wooden textures, our design seamlessly blends the office with wood elements and the company's identity while incorporating a technological edge. The brand's distinctive purple color is integrated thoughtfully, enhancing the overall design.
Leveraging the breathtaking views of the Dnipro, the design team expanded glazing to establish a lounge area with bar counters positioned by the windows. The design seamlessly integrates classic interior elements with distinctive features, such as a striking purple hand and a cosmonaut in the lounge zone. To create a modern, tech-savvy ambiance, a ceiling line features an Eve Light Box that bathes the office in vibrant purple tones and dynamic visuals. This design element extends from the reception throughout the space, blending classical and contemporary styles while enhancing the brand’s identity.
Concealed black enamel ensures privacy in the meeting rooms, while dark flooring and advanced communication infrastructure enhance the open space. The design combines classic elegance with modern innovation for a sophisticated and functional office.